BICSI Credential Holders' Guide:
Proper Use of a Credential Logo & Stamp
Use of BICSI Designations: Professionals who have met the certification standards defined by BICSI and who maintain their credential through the recertification process are authorized to use the designation’s Logo and Credential Stamp.
Adding your credential logo to your professional profile will draw special attention to your achievement, and to the time and discipline involved in pursuing and attaining your credential. You may include your credential logo on business cards, resumes, your personal web pages, in bylines for articles or blog posts and in email signatures. We encourage you to use your logo to promote your success. Request your logo on your BICSI Profile today!
• Place your BICSI credential immediately
after your name (e.g., John Doe, RCDD®).
• Always us all-capital letters
(e.g., RTPM®).
• Do not use periods between the letters
(e.g., TECH).
• Use a comma between multiple credentials
(e.g., RCDD®, INSTC®, OSP™).
• If your certification has expired, immediately
discontinue using the credential.
Stamp Use Example:
RCDD®, DCDC®, OSP™ credential holders are eligible to receive a complimentary digital stamp and can purchase a self-inking stamp by ordering from your credential dashboard on your BICSI profile.
• Your BICSI credential is a personal credential and is not
held by any employer.
• You shall never allow anyone to use your credential stamp.
• You may use your stamp for any project you oversee or design.
• You may review and stamp a design not originated by you but
realize that you are then assuming some responsibility.
• It is recommended, but not required, that you sign and date the
stamp for any project you oversee or design. Most credential holders
and then sign in the legend or mast head.
• Drawings may be stamped with a standard self-inking stamp or
a digital stamp attaching the hardcopy printout or digital image
to the
• BICSI does not review, keep, or record stamped drawings for
credential holders.
• Refer to the construction documents/specifications for specific
instruction criteria on proper use of a standard self-inking stamp
a digital stamp.
• The credential holder shall abide to the BICSI Code of Ethics and
Professional Obligations when using your credential stamp.
The BICSI credential marks, logos and stamps (BICSI Marks) are to be used to signify your accomplishment in achieving the applicable BICSI certification. BICSI Marks may not be used to misrepresent BICSI credential status or an individual’s qualifications. Credentialed Individuals further agree not to incorporate any BICSI Marks or potentially confusing variations thereof as part of a trademark, service mark, product name, company name, domain name, or any other commercial designation such as a hashtags or social media page name. Likewise, any application to register or claim any interest in any mark or any other logo, name, trademark, service mark or commercial or product designation confusingly similar to any BICSI Marks is prohibited.
BICSI is the owner of the BICSI Marks. BICSI reserves and retains all rights, titles and interests, including, without limitation, all trademark and other intellectual property rights, in and to the BICSI Marks. Nothing contained in this Policy is intended to be or should be construed to grant any ownership rights in or to the BICSI Marks. BICSI reserves the right to audit any and all use of the BICIS Marks and to require correction for any inappropriate use. Any user of the BICSI Marks grants BICSI the permission to access, review, and audit any materials that make use of the BICSI Marks. If at any time, BICSI determines, in its sole discretion that your use of the BICSI Marks is not in compliance with this Policy or otherwise threatens to harm the BICSI Marks, BICSI may immediately terminate your right to use the BICSI Marks. You agree to comply with all requests of BICSI to cease and desist use of the BICSI Marks.