BICSI 2024 Data Center Bundles
Save 10% on eligible pricing when purchased together
DCDC 24 Credential Set Combo
Contains the source material for the DCDC 24: ANSI/BICSI 002-2024, Data Center Design and Implementation Best Practices and Essentials of Data Center Projects, 2nd edition in both a print and digital version.
All BICSI DC Publications Set Combo
Contains the current version of each BICSI data center publication, including: ANSI/BICSI 002, ANSI/BICSI 009, and the Essentials of Data Center Projects as both a print and digital version.
DCDC 24 Credential Set Digital
Contains the source material for the DCDC 24: ANSI/BICSI 002-2024, Data Center Design and Implementation Best Practices and Essentials of Data Center Projects, 2nd edition, each as a digital version.
All BICSI DC Publications Set Digital
Contains the current digital version of each BICSI data center publication, including ANSI/BICSI 002, ANSI/BICSI 009, and the Essentials of Data Center Projects.
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