BICSI Technical Manuals
BICSI produces technical manuals based on industry regulations, codes, standards and best practices that form the foundation of knowledge required for the professional credentials and certifications offered by BICSI.

Distribution Design
The Telecommunications Distribution Methods Manual (TDMM) is BICSI's flagship manual. Now in its 15th edition, it is the basis for the RCDD® exam and has become a true world resource in global best practices.

Outside Plant
Written by industry experts representing thousands of completed projects, the Outside Plant Design Reference Manual (OSPDRM), 6th edition contains new and updated material on outside plant cabling, infrastructure and technology.

The 8th edition of BICSI’s Information Technology Systems Installation Methods Manual (ITSIMM) is the go-to guide for knowledge on performing a wide range of installation tasks safely and effectively.

Project Management
BICSI’s NEW, Telecommunications Project Management Reference Manual (TPMRM), 2nd edition, is written by some of the very best telecommunications project managers in the information and communications technology (ICT) industry.

Other Specialty Publications
- Essentials of Bonding and Grounding
- ICT Terminology Handbook
- ICT Installation Practices Field Guide, Volume 1 - General Cabling
- ICT Installation Practices Field Guide, Volume 2 - Copper Cabling
- ICT Installation Practices Field Guide, Volume 3 - Optical Fiber Cabling
- Essentials of Data Center Projects
The BICSI Library
The BICSI Publications Library is the complete collection of our award-winning technical manuals and published standards.
Technical Information & Methods (TI&M) Committee
Manuals are maintained by the BICSI Technical Information & Methods (TI&M) Committee. Manuals are revised every 3-4 years, allowing time for emerging trends and technologies codified in standards to stabilize.
Chair: Robert Hertling, RCDD, OSP
Vice Chair: Phililp Janeway, RCDD
Secretary: John Romanski, RTPM, DCDC, OSP, WD
Interested in contributing?
The TI&M committee utilizes volunteers to review and update content within manuals. As manual development is periodic, the TI&M committee maintains a list of volunteers, subject matter experts, and other interested parties, so that when a manual is being created or revised, work can commence in a short period of time.